
Editorial Team Thanks all composers and writers whose submitted music

We are grateful to all composers and writers who submitted songs for consideration in Then Let Us Sing!

The many pieces submitted reflect remarkable talent and hard work. As writers and composers, you show far-reaching awareness of the current concerns of the church and close attention to the spiritual lives of our neighbours and friends. We respect your work, and we appreciate your submissions.

What will we sing when we sing a new song? Then Let Us Sing! is designed to fill several gaps in our current hymn collections. Yet this book has a page limit! The 2020 Theo-ethical Framework outlines priorities which guided the selections made from among the many pieces submitted.

Then Let Us Sing! is intended to be an ongoing resource. The church will need fresh songs to fill further gaps that are identified as time goes by. Calls will be made for new submissions. We trust that current and new composers and writers will respond by offering pieces that will make the church’s heart sing in the future.

Thank you to all of you who bring musical leadership to the church!

Many blessings,
Then Let Us Sing! Editorial Team